Jul 20, 2013

I am an anarchist because

I am an anarchist because I believe in voluntarism, common law, and do not have the desire to be rule others. Anarchy…. It’s not just a philosophy on life it IS life. It is pure chaos it is pure genius and everything and nothing all at once. It holds no judgements. AND it is a positive force! Anarchy is the word for something that we don’t want to give a word to, that would just belittle it and us. So people call it different things, I think it is most like acquiring a TRUE RESPECT for yourself and all other life. Respect to the core of your soul, for yourself and the passion and determination to refuse to settle for anything less than being who YOU originally were, before the bullshit started. And don’t think you can’t go back completely, cause we can. no one is too far gone. Truth is the only light we need. It is very dark, but it’s never too late. Even if just one of us doing it, it helps us all. But we have millions waking up to seek the truth to find “the way” home. It’s not even as if it’s a back or forward way either, that to (time) is something we were unconsciously slipped into our minds, that there is time at all. There is only NOW. And Maybe this is the 3rd-4th dimensional transfer everyone talks about. It will just happen, you can’t stop it. So do your processing to find who you really are, because sometime soon we are going to need all the “pure souls” REAL humans, the Objective and Honest ones to show the others in the world who they too once were and show them how to find their way home too and stop all this madness. Yep, I think that’s the plan. lol. And we are going to need some help to achieve this in the amount of time we have. We are doing good, but not good enough.” – Libertarian Ann Archist

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