Dec 15, 2010

Who Should Be Ron Paul's VP in 2012?

Ron Paul announced that there is at least a 50-50 chance he will run for President in 2012! If he decides to run, who should be his running mate?

Vote in our poll and choose up to 7 options.

Chairman Ron Paul: We Need a Full and Complete Audit of the Federal Reserve!

by Ron Paul

Since the announcement last week that I will chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the media response has been overwhelming. The groundswell of opposition to Fed actions among ordinary citizens is reflected not only in the rhetoric coming out of Capitol Hill, but also in the tremendous interest shown by the financial press.

The demand for transparency is growing whether the political and financial establishment likes it or not. The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that is somehow above politics and public scrutiny. Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of my efforts as Subcommittee Chairman.

Continue reading Ron Paul's latest update...

Ron Paul: End the Fed by Allowing Competing Currencies

Will Ron Paul use his new position as Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee to deliver the coup de grāce to an embattled Federal Reserve by auditing its gold reserves and pushing for the legalization of competing currencies?

Find out Ron Paul's strategy to end the Fed here...

Ron Paul, America's Unlikely Hero

Once shunned by the mainstream media, made fun of by establishment politicians, and questioned by political pundits, Congressman Ron Paul is finally getting the media fame and respect that his followers say are so well deserved.

Watch RT's amazing report on the Rise of Ron Paul...

Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks: Don't Kill the Messenger – Stop Lying to the People!

In a groundbreaking speech to Congress, Ron Paul defended WikiLeaks and attacked the U.S. government's delusional foreign policy.
Ron Paul: "WikiLeaks' release of classified information has generated a lot of attention in the past few weeks. The hysterical reaction makes one wonder if this is not an example of killing the messenger for the bad news.

Despite what is claimed, the information that has been so far released, though classified, has caused no known harm to any individual, but it has caused plenty of embarrassment to our government. Losing our grip on our empire is not welcomed by the neoconservatives in charge."
Watch or read Ron Paul's full speech here...

U.S. Government is More Dangerous than WikiLeaks

Ron Paul criticized the U.S. government's efforts to shut down WikiLeaks and attack Julian Assange, and compared the murderous consequences of the government's lies to the fact that not a single life has been lost due to the WikiLeaks revelations.

Ron Paul also commented briefly on the prospects for a 2012 run for the presidency, and on his son Rand Paul moving into his condominium in Virginia.

Watch this fascinating interview here...

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