Jun 8, 2013

I am SO AN ANARCHIST. Please don't ever get me confused with someone else. I am Libertarian in Philosophy and an Anarchist when that philosophy is applied to current day situations. Please know I want No government what so ever and I want that NOW. I don't want ANYTHING. I am so anarchist I don't think kids should be named by there parents. You might not think that has anything to do with anarchy but it does. Respect them and let them pick there own name when they are damn well ready. Stop imposing your culture on precious little ones. That's jus tone example. Sunday School is child abuse in my book. So much more. Call me an ANNarchist if you can't handle my beliefs as "your" anarchist philosophy. It's my word and no statist can't tell me I'm not it because of a dictionary definition. You ALL should know this about me by now, if not, here is one more public service announcement. No constitution needed, everyone should get a chance to write there own/ or not if they choose to. If you want to debate this go ahead. But my head hurts form arguments I answer each week. I'm not doing this because I'm a pissed of female or something either, I am just a realist. Yeah, haven't heard that word with anarchy huh. I'm a realist that a gov't inherently evil will never change. At least read your grandfathers or great grandfathers diary sometime, I'm pretty sure they came to the same conclusion. Step it up and grow some imaginary balls if you must. Peace. And I say that for real, as we are killing people with our tac dollars and permission right this moment. USS Liberty went down today. And nothing has changed. Stop treating the symptoms of the problem and treat the root cause. Many truth "tellers" in media you can tell are not real by what the DON'T SAY. If they want to solve the problem they have got to call out the ones behind it. I do all the time, but to be frank I don't think it's fair. They don't say some stuff for fear of being killed, but its us low profile folks that say something and we can be taken out without anyone really noticing. So don't ask me to explain anymore right now. I do every other day. Scroll, or watch a video. I'm just sick of saying the truth and not being hear except by those that are in charge of silencing the truth tellers. It's got to stop and we have to hold the "alternative media" more accountable. I think I am in the not alternative media alternate means 'one after the other' or 'each succeeding the other in turn, especially continuously' and alternative means 'one instead of the other' or 'allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things' I'm in the voluntary media. Yep I just made that up. Just meditate on it people. Meditate on everything.

I am SO AN ANARCHIST. Please don't ever get me confused with someone else. I am Libertarian in Philosophy and an Anarchist when that philosophy is applied to current day situations. Please know I want No government what so ever and I want that NOW. I don't want ANYTHING. I am so anarchist I don't think kids should be named by there parents. You might not think that has anything to do with anarchy but it does. Respect them and let them pick there own name when they are damn well ready. Stop imposing your culture on precious little ones. That's jus tone example. Sunday School is child abuse in my book. So much more. Call me an ANNarchist if you can't handle my beliefs as "your" anarchist philosophy. It's my word and no statist can't tell me I'm not it because of a dictionary definition. You ALL should know this about me by now, if not, here is one more public service announcement. No constitution needed, everyone should get a chance to write there own/ or not if they choose to. If you want to debate this go ahead. But my head hurts form arguments I answer each week. I'm not doing this because I'm a pissed of female or something either, I am just a realist. Yeah, haven't heard that word with anarchy huh. I'm a realist that a gov't inherently evil will never change. At least read your grandfathers or great grandfathers diary sometime, I'm pretty sure they came to the same conclusion. Step it up and grow some imaginary balls if you must. Peace. And I say that for real, as we are killing people with our tac dollars and permission right this moment. USS Liberty went down today. And nothing has changed. Stop treating the symptoms of the problem and treat the root cause. Many truth "tellers" in media you can tell are not real by what the DON'T SAY. If they want to solve the problem they have got to call out the ones behind it. I do all the time, but to be frank I don't think it's fair. They don't say some stuff for fear of being killed, but its us low profile folks that say something and we can be taken out without anyone really noticing. So don't ask me to explain anymore right now. I do every other day. Scroll, or watch a video. I'm just sick of saying the truth and not being hear except by those that are in charge of silencing the truth tellers. It's got to stop and we have to hold the "alternative media" more accountable. I think I am in the not alternative media alternate means 'one after the other' or 'each succeeding the other in turn, especially continuously' and alternative means 'one instead of the other' or 'allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things' I'm in the voluntary media. Yep I just made that up. Just meditate on it people. Meditate on everything.

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