Sep 17, 2011

Today is Constitution Day

A Letter from Campaign. Just replace my name with yours!

Dear Brooke,

A lot of grown men will grow teary-eyed as they tell you touching stories about how their dad first taught them how to fish, play baseball or ride a bike.

Of course, I have fond memories sharing many of those wonderful experiences with my dad.

But today, one of the memories I cherish the most is my dad's hard work instilling in me his love for liberty, limited government and our United States Constitution.

Tomorrow - September 17, 2011 - is Constitution Day.  It's the day we celebrate the creation of the document that has done more to limit government power and expand personal liberty than anything else in human history.

And what better way to send a message for freedom than by pledging to make a generous donation to Ron Paul's Constitution Day Money Bomb?

Can I count on you to do so?  I hope I can.

Click to pledge

You see, my dad's fight against Big Government hasn't earned him a lot of friends in Washington.

Unlike many of his opponents, he's not raking in campaign cash from deep-pocketed Wall Street bankers and Big Government establishment Republican types.

After all, these folks know a Ron Paul Presidency means an end to their taxpayer-funded gravy train.

That's why Ron Paul is sometimes SMEARED by the Washington, D.C. establishment and their allies in the national media.

But he keeps on fighting - just like has been for 30 years.

The good news is, right now, the tide is turning.

The American people are FED UP with politics-as-usual - and the Ron Paul message of individual liberty and constitutional government is spreading like wild fire across America.

Tomorrow is our opportunity to throw some gasoline on that fire.

Click to pledge

Brooke, I know my dad is hoping tomorrow's Constitution Day Money Bomb is the most successful one of this campaign.

He believes tomorrow is our chance to send a message to the Washington elite that the American people have had ENOUGH of the Big Spending, Big Government status quo.

No more bailouts.  No more debt.  No more printing money out of thin air.  And no more policing the world.

Not only that, but it'll prove what you and I knew to begin with - Ron Paul is a top contender for the GOP nomination and is the one to DEFEAT Barack Obama in 2012.

Right now, there may be nothing I'd like to see more than a Ron Paul Presidency.

And I do believe we're on the cusp or something truly historic as the American people's yearning for liberty is being awakened all over the country.

I think my dad believes that too.  I can see it in his smile and the spring in his step.

My dad fights for constitutional government every day in Congress.

On Saturday, I'm hoping you'll stand beside him in his fight to Restore America Now.

So please, join me in honoring my dad's life-time commitment to constitutional government by pledging to make a generous donation this upcoming Saturday, September 17.

For Liberty,

U.S. Senator Rand Paul

P.S.   Tomorrow is Constitution Day.

I'm personally asking you to help my dad restore constitutional government by pledging to contribute as generously as you can to his Constitution Day Money Bomb!

And don't forget, Ron Paul and I both will be interviewed during the Money Bomb Radio Marathon - along with Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC), Jimmy Duncan (R-TN) and many others - from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT on Saturday!

Just go to to listen live!

Click to pledge

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