May 23, 2010

Ron Paul Can Win In 2012

It’s Official: Ron Paul Can Beat Obama in 2012

Ron Paul can beat Barack Obama in 2012, according to the latest Rasmussen poll: If the elections were held today, Obama would gain 42% of the vote compared to Paul’s 41% – statistical dead heat. Among independents, Paul has an astonishing 47% to 28% edge over the president. (Rasmussen Poll: Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%)
The difficult part may be getting the GOP nomination: Only 66% of GOP voters say they would support Ron Paul even if he wins the nomination. But there’s still potential for improvement: 49% of GOP voters are still not sure whether Ron Paul shares the values of most Republicans throughout the nation.’s Ron Paul 2012 Polls ran several polls asking the question, “Should Ron Paul run for President in 2012?
Poll Date Yes No Don’t Know Depends Total Votes
02/2009 93% 2% 1% 4% 6,337
06/2009 93% 4% 2% 1% 6,617
11/2009 94% 3% 3% 0% 9,312
02/2010 92% 4% 2% 2% 21,796 ran several polls asking the question, “If Ron Paul runs for President in 2012, who should be his running mate?
Poll Date #1 #2 #3 Total Voters
06/2009 Peter Schiff (29%) Jesse Ventura (21%) Dennis Kucinich (18%) 2,739
11/2009 Chuck Baldwin (29%) Andrew Napolitano (27%) Peter Schiff (21%) 9,425
04/2010 Andrew Napolitano (40%) Jesse Ventura (25%) Peter Schiff (22%) 10,580

Ron Paul Can Win In 2012! But Will He Actually Run?

Ron Paul repeatedly said that he has “no plans” to run for President in 2012. To help us change his mind, participate in our polls (next poll: June 2010), submit your pledge to support Ron Paul below, and post a comment in support of Ron Paul 2012.

"Count me in!"
Yes, I pledge to support
Ron Paul for President in 2012!

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