Feb 20, 2010

“Ron Paul for the Long Haul!”

Ron Paul dominates CPAC with largest, loudest audience

Wow, I mean this is a great day in history. I wasn’t even expecting to see him there or watching it due to the other RINOS speaking. Now to see the news “have to” report this is awesome. Sure they right it off and are totally hypocritical….but they had to say it! Hannity is probably stewing in hate over this right now. The man who ” doesn’t want to run your life,” is picked to run the country!
“I want to use all my strength, to resist the notion that I can run your lives, or run the economy, or run the world. I want to use that strength to repeal and reject that notion, and stand up and defend the principles of liberty.” -Congressman Ron Paul”
I couldn’t be prouder. Thanks to everyone that showed up at CPAC. I don’t think anyone expected “real people” to vote. Romney lost tons of money. Huckabee has said that CPAC is a joke and no importance on FOX. So Chuck Norris might want to give a response their. Sarah Palin at 7% is AWESOME. The media can’t control who we vote for anymore. Than God for the Internet. Unfortunately, we may not have it for much longer with the false flag cyber attacks coming. We must get the word out now. I think anyone who cares, knows the truth by now. I hope people were not and have not been fooled by Glenn Beck either. He got ya thinking in the right direction, but is placed their on purpose to deceive us. He already is, look at interview with Medina. Pray about it. If I’m wrong, let me know why. This is how America should debate. I think this will be an interesting next few months. Monday, has pointed out by some, s a possible false flag day. Just saying. All we can do is try and keep the truth out their and do the hard part of finding it in a web of lies within lies.

By Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, February 20th
His full speech in three parts is below, culled from C-Span by MoxNews.com.
ronpaul Ron   Paul dominates CPAC with largest, loudest audienceDid Ron Paul just launch his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012?
To anyone who watched any of the other Republican stars give their speeches at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, the difference between Paul and the rest was clearly one of enthusiasm and volume. Indeed, it seems objective to report that the libertarian-leaning doctor from Texas was greeted more like a rock star than a politician.
And, Politico notes, he was the only speaker at CPAC to completely fill the convention hall.
“Sounds to me like the revolution is alive and well!” he said, eliciting another volley of cheers. “Quite a few here! Ten thousand people, all interested in promoting good government, limited government and personal liberty!”
Paul’s Campaign for Liberty could be better described as one of the founding organizations of what’s been more broadly termed the tea parties. While not yet a cohesive force in U.S. politics, many of those associated tend to be conservative leaning and much has been made among mainline Republicans to try and attract greater support therein. Paul even warned recently that “neocon influence” has begun to infiltrate the glut of tea parties. however, wants to engage liberals and progressives as well, who he’s cited as having similar qualms with the government.
Plus, his core issues, such as creating transparency at the Federal Reserve, recalling overseas soldiers and ending the drug war, are “not what is generally heard from the Republican party,” he’s said.
At CPAC, his unusually rowdy band of supporters even flexed a bit of political moxie as Paul elicited jeers by mentioning President Woodrow Wilson, a DemEnd the Fedocrat who left office in 1921.
“I believe we are on the verge of something very significant,” Paul told the crowd.
He even took a jab at mainstream media, asking supporters if they remembered the presidential campaigns, when he was the guy “off in the corner” predicting economic doom.
“All the sudden, the crash that I had predicting all along: it came,” he said. “And now, Fox News TV has had me on about 60 times since the campaign was over.”
His message, he said, would continue to be attractive because its core is simply advocating greater freedom. “Freedom doesn’t challenge a person’s personal values,” Paul said. “It doesn’t challenge a person’s religious values. They only say, come together on your terms, as long as you don’t mess with me. … I preach change, I want a lot of change. But I want non-violent change, and resistance to the current system.”
His full speech in three parts is below, culled from C-Span by MoxNews.com.

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