Dec 14, 2009

The Definition of Irony

vampire weighs in on health careImage by earthpages via Flickr
As if getting in between us and our doctors wasn't enough, promoters of socialized medicine have added a bit of unintended comedy to the bloated and unconstitutional health bill.
Via Politico:
For critics of the Democrats' $849 billion health care bill, this may be the ultimate irony: millions of dollars set aside so the government can help teach citizens how to handle their own money better.  The funding is part of a broader, $375 million program aimed at promoting responsible lifestyles - a five-year plan to fund state efforts to educate adolescents on abstinence, contraception and other "adult preparation subjects" such as healthy relationships, increased child-parent communication and "financial literacy." More...
If it weren't so dangerous, it would actually be funnier. But this sort of thing is no laughing matter, this whole bill needs to fail.

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